Sheriff Alan J. Pangborn was played by Ed Harris in Needful Things.
He is the sheriff of Castle Rock, Maine. He was from Ohio, but, after hitting someone too hard there during his job, he quit and went to Castle Rock.
When Leland Gaunt appears, he realizes through a conversation, that he knows about him and when he does his evil deeds, he realizes in time that he is behind everything.
Finally he is also who stops Leland Gaunt from destroying the town more than he already did. He is later terrified to see him come from the flames after Danforth blew his shop up with him inside in retaliation for what he did. Gaunt tells him after that in his face, he will be back and that he will also meet his grandson Billy in Jakarta in the future and use him for his murderous deeds.
He will marry his girlfriend Polly Chalmers.