Bambi: The Reckoning is an upcoming 2025 horror slasher film and the third film set in the Twisted Childhood Universe. It's directed by Dan Allen and written by Rhys Warrington. It's a horror retelling of the 1923 children's novel Bambi: A Life in The Woods by Felix Salten.
The film follows Xana (Roxanne McKee) and her son Benji (Tom Mulheron) who find themselves in a car wreck and soon hunted down by the vicious killing machine, Bambi seeking revenge for the death of his mother.
• Roxanne McKee as Xana
• Tom Mulheron as Benji
• Nicola Wright as Mary
• Samira Mighty as Harriet
• Joseph Greenwood as Harrison
Bambi is CGI
- This is the second horror film by Rhys Frake-Waterfield and Scott Jeffery based on a Children's Franchise. The first being Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey and the upcoming Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare.
- This is also the third film set in the "Twisted Childhood Universe".
- Just like Pooh, the Film is being made because Felix Salten's original Bambi novel entered the public domain last year in the United States. However, since the film is being made in the U.K, the Novel was already PD in most countries.
- Scott Jeffery states The version of Bambi being used in the Film as well as the film itself is inspired by Netflix's The Ritual (2017)