Emesis Blue is a psychological thriller and horror movie written and directed by Chad Payne and produced by Anton Pelizzari involving eldritch, macabre, and twisted scenes as well as a mindboggling non-linear storyline similar to that of Interstellar's to drive a feeling of said psychological horror. The movie premiered on the social media site YouTube on the 21st of February, 2023, and quickly gained a cult following by the Team Fortress 2 community, and endorsed, promoted, and recommended by popular names of the Team Fortress community such as the streamer Pyrocynical and the German Team Fortress 2 influencer, Seriamon along with many other names. The movie itself is a fan-made and non canon story about the mercenaries from the video game Team Fortress 2 going through a series of endeavors and challenges all with different tasks or goals.
The movie starts off with the main character, The Medic (Dr. Fritz Ludwig) in his office, experiencing schizophrenia-like symptoms, before Scout, (Jeremy E.) asks Fritz a question about similar symptoms that he has been experiencing the nights prior. Fritz gives Jeremy a bottle of Valium pills, the two are ready to return home but Fritz' box of VHS tapes gets knocked over mysteriously. Fritz suggests to not make a hassle of things and leave the tapes be, Jeremy grabs a tape marked "M" discreetly and hides it from Fritz. After returning home, Jeremy watches the tape. While viewing the tape, Jeremy's mother who was calling him over for dinner peaks past the wall with a pale face, before the head is dropped on the floor and a masked individual appearing on the other side of the room, along with a shadow of a man holding what seems to be an axe. We then get a look at two private eyes, Soldier (Jane Doe) and Spy. (Unnamed, sometimes referred to as Corporal by Jules Archibald.) Soldier sits in the car as lookout until he spots a man who seems to look identical. Spy is seen walking into the alley and ambushing a man with a briefcase but fails. He is then being choked by the man before Soldier shoots the man in the chest. Before helping Spy out, Soldier listens to the police radio about a criminal stealing a black hearse. Spy is then caught off guard by a vehicle of a similar description, a man in a plague doctor costume steals the briefcase from Spy. While the two are in the car Soldier transmits a message on the cop radio to a patrolling officer to pursue the black hearse mentioned earlier. After both the cop and the two go to where the car was they hear choking over the radio, when they arrive at the scene they are greeted with both Jeremy's apartment examined by cops and the cop on the radio who was injured. In the apartment the private eyes find a bonesaw, the one used by Medic. The private eyes decide to go to the Medic's office. Meanwhile, Medic answering the phone and hearing Scout's voice, saying the exact same things that he had said to him that night word for word. Medic becomes outraged and yells at the phone, he then looks up to see his wall smeared with blood, saying "CONAGHER SLAUGHTERHOUSE", at which point Medic decides to go to the slaughterhouse to save Scout. The private eyes both arrive at Medic's office and see the writing on the wall and decide to go to the slaughterhouse as well.
Upon entering, Medic is greeted with a coffin, Medic opens it to see Scout tied up, after saving him, Scout lashes out at Medic. Medic tries to explain but his efforts are futile as the boy runs away and gets by what seems to be a clone of Dell Conagher, the Engineer, except with pale skin, similar to that of a corpse going through pallor mortis. The Medic then hears the scout get tortured, the Medic, tries to kill one of the Engineers before being killed and reanimated, at which point he tries again and succeeds. When the private eyes arrive to the slaughterhouse where they are greeted with a zombified Sniper and later on the man in a mask who killed Jeremy's mother. Spy is then captured by the man but Soldier escapes and sees yet another man who looks and sounds like him talking to someone. Soldier experiences a flashback and drinks from his flask before the enemy Demoman, missing a limb, asks to be freed in exchange for access to an armory nearby. Upon arrival, the two fight off zombies resembling the mercenaries. Meanwhile, Medic views a tape showing the man who was shot by Soldier being brought back to life by his clone, before this viewing he had promptly killed his clone. The same man that Medic saw on the tape then attacks him before Medic shoves a screwdriver in his eye. Medic, Demoman, and Soldier all go to the bottom floor where they all split up after freeing Jules Archibald. Medic gets to see his past self talking to Scout in his office, Demo experiences a hallucination thinking a cryogenic laboratory is a bar and freezes to death with a grenade in hand. Soldier finds Demo before being ambushed by the man he had killed to save Spy, he pulls the grenades pin and fights the reanimated Sniper once again. Medic then kills the masked man with his axe in a church which somehow fit in the slaughterhouse. Meanwhile Spy finds Jules Archibald making a phone call after escaping the masked man with his skin charred. Spy shoots Jules in revenge for being used like a pawn. After wandering around Soldier finds a tape which shows the mercenaries were put on death row, but after the sentence were reanimated and thus are not alive and are instead company property, the Sniper comes yet again to kill Soldier but is hacked by Medic with an axe before being knocked out and tied up by the Spy where they are forced to play Russian roulette which results in Medic's death. Soldier then fins himself in hell where he kills the man he had shot in the alley yet again, after escaping he sees Scout and Medic going home in an ambulance and also himself keeping lookout. After getting out of the slaughterhouse an unknown man explains to Soldier that he cannot tell anyone about this incident and the story of what Soldier had witnessed. We then see Soldier, Spy, Blutarch and Redmond Mann at Archibald's funeral where Spy frames Medic for the murder. While giving a speech, Medic, with pale skin comes out of the coffin and shoots Spy before escaping and stealing an ambulance where he gets into a car crash and instead of dying experiences a final hallucination of being in a bar and experiencing the same hallucination Scout had talked to him about.
- JazzyJoeyJr as Soldier (voice), a World War II veteran known for being scatterbrained, yet effective.
- Chad Payne as Medic, Spy, Cyclops, Maynard Conagher, Redmond Mann, Sniper, Agent Stemmons, and Stalingrad.
- David Love as Jules Archibald and Blutarch Mann (voice), a kidnapped politician.
- Anton Pelizzari as Zed and Del Conagher, Injured Police Officer, Funeral Director, The Bartender and Police Chief (voice).
- John Whinfield as Police Officer and Paramedic (voice).