Ezekiel is the leader of the death cult in Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror. He was played by Adam Wylie, who is also played Bananas B. in American Dragon: Jake Long (2005-2007).
He is posessed by He who walks behind the Rows. He hides his real status to the world, so nobody would realize who he is and what he is doing so that he can organize and maintain the cult he has established in a farm with the help of its deceased owner Luke Enright, whose body he controls. He also organizes the killing of adults from time to time, but in a hidden manner so that noone of them realizes what he is up to.
Everything changes, when Allison appears and his brother calls her for help, when he is about to be sacrificed to He who walks behind the Rows. She manages to recruit her friends and the police to try to stop him. Still, she cannot save her brother, but she can still expose and kill Ezekiel, when he tries to kill her. His death leads to the end of the cult in that place.