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Ostermontag, (English translation: Easter Monday) also known as Snuff Holocaust, Snuff Massaker and I Spit On Your F-cking Grave, B-tch! is a 1991 SOV German Extreme-Exploitation directed, produced and written by Heiko Fipper.

The movie was a huge flop upon it's release, mainly because of it's gore and torture scenes, but also because of it's confusing plot, poor acting and bad lighting. Horror News wrote "The acting is not good, but then the story doesn’t leave much room for acting anyway. It’s a gross movie that adds up to little more than a confusing plot and lots of brutal violence against women for no reason. There are a couple moments when you think it might go more darkly comical (as the director Fipper’s later movie, Das Komabrutale Duell, accomplishes with a similar lack of plot), but those moments never play out and you find yourself back in the dark."


The movie begins with text warning us that the movie is a copy of a VHS tape found at a crime scene in Spring 1996, and hours before an inspection could begin, it was stolen and sold on the black market. The final part of the monologue is that it links to a missing case of a girl in 1991, but luckily, this is apart of the movie, and not a real life event.

Prologue: Easter Monday, 1991.[]

The movie begins with candles being lit and champagne being poured out of a bottle into glasses, but is spiked with a drug. A man begins talking about his step-sister. Fabienne, and how she tried to trick him into replacing herself with her twin sister, Nicole. He says he invited Nicole over to torture and kill her to end the mix-ups. He then talks about how he hates his mother because she never wanted him, but wanted his father.

We cut to a topless women in lingerie sexy-bunny pants, who has her hands tied. The man then approaches her with a sharp knife, and pushes her onto a bed. He then gives the camera to a man named Stephan, who pulls out a pin and begins prodding her sensitive parts, and flogs her. The other man then approaches her with a knife and says "Goodbye, Nicole", then cuts to static.

Main story: Spring, 1996.[]

We learn that the man's name is Heiko Fipper, and that the woman he kidnapped was not Nicole, but Fabienne. Two men in an apartment get a call from a woman who turns out to be Nicole. They let her in, while Heiko is being chased by two men. They beat him up, but Heiko eventually gets the upper hand and takes one of the men's weapons. He slices off half of one of the attacker's face, then cuts the other one's hand off. After killing them both, he flees. We cut back to Nicole, where we learned that Heiko has recently escaped an asylum (As told by a police officer who visited the two men), and that they are in his apartment. After two women there greet him, they let Nicole explain what happened to her that day.

Nicole is walking up a flight of stairs and rings the doorbell of an apartment. A man peeks through the peephole and lets her in. The next scene is him going through the bathroom and taking out a stocking. We hear audio of a pornography tape playing on the TV. The camera zooms in and around his living room, showing pornographic tapes and sex toys. Nicole is tied up on the couch with duct-tape around her mouth. We learn the man's true identity: Heiko. After taking out a knife from the VHS drawer and sharpening it, he talks to Nicole. He blames her for the murder of his love-interest, while stroking a knife around her. He tried to trick her into coming over, by calling Fabienne. He says that she must pay the price for her games, and that she doesn't, and that Fabienne's suffering was for her.

A few hours later, he says to her he must go "run some errands", and that if she doesn't try to escape, he'll bring her home "a gift". He pretends to leave by opening the door, walking through it, then coming back and closing it. Nicole tries to escape by wiggling off the couch, but then he comes back him and scolds her for not behaving. He starts to kick her multiple times, before dragging her to the bathroom and putting her to the bathtub. He then begins to urinate on her, but punches her until she is unconcious when he hears his doorbell ringing. When he sees that no one is there, he closes the door.

The next day, Heiko is shaving, and puts a bit of his shaving cream on Nicole's philtrum. He puts her back on the sofa, ejects the pornographic tape, and plays a VHS tape titled "Ostermontag", where it shows the prologue, with Fabienne being tossed on the bed and tortured. After it is done (though the rest isn't seen), he erases the tape. Just then, the doorbell rings. When he goes to check it, no one is there. When the doorbell rings again, this time, he sees a man with a nylon and sunglasses, holding a knife, asking to be let in. Heiko becomes enraged and drags Nicole to the bedroom. While he is doing so, the masked man infiltrates the apartment and hides. When Heiko leaves to find the masked man, he sneaks into the bedroom and beats Nicole. When he attempts to rape her, Heiko comes back with a knife and a fight ensues. Eventually, he stabs Heiko in the side a few times and tosses him in the bathtub next to the bedroom. Nicole, managing to untagle herself from the rope, comes in with a cleaver and decapitates the masked man, and then flees.

One of the men there offers to help Nicole find Heiko, and so he goes back to the apartment, while Heiko is nursing himself back to health. He finds Heiko, but the two recognise each other, which is because the man is Stephan. He offers to help kill Nicole, and they agree.

The next day, the three men (The other man being a guy named Andy, a friend of Heiko) continue the torture, back in Stephan and Andy's apartment. First, they sew Nicole's lips together, put her in a bathtub and they all urinate on her. They proceed to punch the sewed together lips, making it bleed even more. After inviting a random man inside the apartment, they both beat him to death with champagne bottles, while the two other women in the apartment watch. After taking the body to the basement, they go to the bedroom, and open the closet, revealing the unconcious body of a hispanic woman, wearing a nylon over her face and who was also kidnapped by the men. In a flashback. the woman is hit in the face and has one of her eyes sliced off with a cut-throat. After the flashback, they proceed to poke her in her other eye with a needle. After bringing her to the bathroom, Heiko takes his knife and proceeds to slice off her breasts. They bring her to the stove and press her body against it, seemingly killing her. The two women decide to leave the apartment because of the violence, when Heiko comes back in and questions them why they are leaving. They deny it, but he gets mad and starts to beat them with a champagne bottle.

Another day later, they bring Nicole to the radiator and tie her there. The men decide to play a game of "Kick-jogging", where one of the men has to run around the entire apartment and kick the women in 20 seconds. At the end, Stephan is victorious and they bring one of the women downstairs. They curb stomp her head into a staircase, which completely flattens her head. They kill the woman by tying her up in a sack and beat her to death with a champagne bottle. Finally, they kill Nicole, by sodomising her with a knife strapped to his pelvis. After cleaning up the evidence, Heiko decides to kill his friends. He first kills Stephan by drowning him in a sink, and killing Andy by shoving a vacuum cleaner down his throat. He cleans up, and leaves the apartment.

After the end credits roll, it cuts to the prologue, where we see what happened to Fabienne. She has a nylon put on her head, and has her back split open with a knife, revealing her spine. Heiko sticks a gun into her sensitive parts, then a knife, making it bleed. Finally, he rapes her and she then dies from her wounds. After the tape is printed, he writes "Ostermontag" in her blood on the tape. After putting it in the TV and masturbating to it, he receives a call from Nicole. He cleans the semen from the TV and realises a scar on Nicole's leg isn't on Fabienne's. He sobs, realising that he accidentally killed his love-interest, as it then cuts to static.
