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Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension is an American horror film directed by Gregory Plotkin. It was released on October 23, 2015.

While it is the sixth movie in the Paranormal Activity franchise, it is only the fifth film in the main series. This is because the previous film, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, was considered to be a spin-off film and not part of the main story.


In 1988, Katie and Kristi watch as Dennis' spine is crushed by a mysterious force.[N 1] Grandma Lois takes the girls upstairs while the entity takes the camera with them. A man speaks to the girls about "Tobi" and how they are important to his plan.

Twenty-five years later in 2013, Ryan Fleege, his wife Emily, and their six-year-old daughter Leila are about to celebrate Christmas, when Ryan's brother Mike moves in after breaking up with his girlfriend. Along with them is Skylar, who notices that Leila is talking to an imaginary friend named Tobi. Mike finds a box of old video tapes, dating from 1988 to 1992, and a very large video camera. The tapes show a young Kristi and Katie with their mother Julie and her boyfriend Dennis in 1988,[N 1] while others from 1992 are in Lois's house where the two are practicing supernatural abilities with the mysterious man. Ryan and Mike notice that the girls are seemingly aware of the pair's presence: they are able to foresee Ryan and Mike's every action as the two simultaneously watch the video.

Leila's interactions with Tobi coincide with Ryan using the old camera around the house, where he notices the camera picks up spiritual beings. He decides to record overnight to see what weird things are occurring. One night, a black figure arises out of the ground and hovers over Leila for several hours, and she eventually talks to it. Soon, Skylar is attacked by the spirit. The next night, Ryan tapes Leila sleeping, but a demonic spirit appears and forces him to drop the camera. The following day, Ryan and Emily discover a slab of concrete in the ground with Katie, Kristi and the year 1987 etched into it, and realize their house is built on the same property that Katie and Kristi used to live in before it burned down in 1992. The grown-up Katie sold the house to the family, which was built by a coven of witches called The Midwives.

Leila gradually becomes less talkative and Ryan and Emily call Father Todd. Leila attacks Todd and he is convinced that 'Tobi' is a demon linked to the cult. Ryan researches the cult, and realizes they killed a family in Nevada[N 2] related to a boy named Hunter,[N 3] who was born on the same day as Leila. One of the tapes also shows Hunter in 1992,[N 4] despite not being born until 2005. He learns that Leila's blood is needed to finish Tobi's transformation into a physical being. One night, Leila's interaction with Tobi leads her to open a doorway to another world into which she disappears. Ryan and Emily find her and flee with her to a hotel.

Father Todd attempts to cleanse the house and trap the demon but is strangled and dragged away by Tobi, leaving the family to finish the cleansing. Ryan entraps the demon in a white sheet soaked in holy water and finishes the prayer. Leila returns to normal and the demon disappears. After thinking the ordeal is over, Skylar starts to vomit blood all over Mike, but the blood burns him, killing them both. Leila flees, and Ryan and Emily chase her but Ryan is killed when a large arm impales him through his chest. Leila sprints into the "portal" in her room with Emily following; she arrives at Kristi and Katie's mother's house in 1992, where she finds a young Katie, and confronts the "human" version of Tobi. Emily pleads with the demon to spare Leila, but is killed; her body is tossed at the camera. Leila and tobi walk off as the camera cuts, ending the film




Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension - Official Trailer

External links[]

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