“ | You were with a whore in Boston, when your mother died in Machias. Ma' was in that crappy old nursing room, they tore down last fall, the one with the rats, right? She choked to death calling your name. Isn´t that sweet? | „ |
― Linoge to Robbie |
The town manager Robert "Robbie" Beals was played by Jeffery DeMunn in Storm of the Century.
He is the town manager of Little Tall and has a rivalry with Mike Anderson. When the storm comes, he is one of the first, who confronts Linoge and tells Mike, what he did to Martha Clarendon, his first victim.
Linoge knows that he valued visiting a prostitute more than visiting his dying mother and uses it against him, when he confronts him. He overpowers him and he, like the town, gives in to Linoge´s demand of wanting a child. During the selection he encourages his wife to go along with it. His son Donny Beals is not the chosen one for Linoge.
Later, after Linoge goes away, he rebuilt the fishhouse that was destroyed during the storm. One day he loses his wife Sandra Beals because of these events, who commits suicide long after the event by taking a fishboat from the fishhouse and jumping into the water.
(Side note: While Little Tall is an island on the west coast, "Beals" is a popular name in Stephen King's native state of Maine. Beals Island is an inhabited island off the Maine Coast where many of the residents share the Beals name and lineage.)