Horror Film Wiki

Las fieras (1969)


Alcira is a bookworm and student of human nature through art and poetry, though rarely participating. When a curse strikes and werewolf like creatures invade the city Alcira locks herself into the University bathroom. Weeks of pure loneliness teach her the strength of human connection and in the end it is her love for others that will save her.


This film marks a huge shift in Moctezuma II’s life as a person and an artist.  It was made in response to the student movement and Tlatelolco massacre of 1968.  The story is based on a true event where a young woman, Alcira locked herself in a bathroom for two weeks while the military police invaded and occupied the UNAM campus.  Moctezuma II’s experience with these events and friendship with  Leobardo López Aretche and Alejandro Jodorowsky inspired Moctezuma II to tackle a more serious and worldly subject in a low budget independent style.  Staying true to himself however there are still elements of sexuality and intimacy.

Festival Screenings:[]

  • Guanajato International Film Festival, Mexico                                      
  • Post Mortem Film Festival, Mexico  
  • Blow Up Chicago Art House Film Festival  
  • Philip K. Dick Film Festival, NYC        
  • Accepted into Chicago Land Shorts Vol. 2  
  • Alternative Shorts, LA            
  • New Underground Film Awards, LA  

External Links:[]




Beasts (1969)- Beasts Emerge - Moctezuma Film-2
