The Gift is an 2015 American horror thriller film directed by, written by, and starring Joel Edgerton, Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall. It was released on July 30, 2015 in the LA Prime and later received a wide release on August 7, 2015.
Simon and Robyn are a young married couple whose life is going just as planned until a chance encounter with an acquaintance of Simon’s from high school sends their world into a tailspin. Simon doesn’t recognize Gordo at first, but after a series of uninvited encounters and mysterious gifts prove troubling, a terrible secret from their past is uncovered. As Robyn learns the truth about what happened between Simon and Gordo, she begins questioning how well she really knows her husband.
- Jason Bateman as Simon
- Rebecca Hall as Robyn
- Joel Edgerton as Gordo
- Tim Griffin as Kevin 'KK' Keelor