Tiempo de morir (1959)
"Tiempo de morir (1959)" follows Dr. Augustin (played by Moctezuma himself) as he uses his time machine to travel back in time over and over again in an attempt to save his love, Saurina (Lisa), from the evil Don Juan Sayago (Miguel Nuñuez).
Moctezuma II left his hometown of Janitzio to join a travelling film projectionist. Eventually Moctezuma became the projectionist at one of Mexico City's greatest cinemas, Ciné Opera. To make "Tiempo de morir (1959)" his first film he snipped clips from films that came through the theater. Using those clips he shot his own footage and pieced together this found footage film. The success of this film lead to Moctezuma's next film, a studio production, "Una mujer sin precio (1961)."
Notice that the time machine in this film looks very similar to the one in George Pal's version of, "The Time Machine" (1960). However Moctezuma's film came out in 1959, so we can only assume Pal's art director, MGM's Bill Ferrari (built by Wah Chang) was travelling in Mexico, saw "Time to Die (1959)" and was inspired.
Public domain movies used by Moctezuma II:[]
- A Star is Born (1937)
- Amazing Mr. X, The (1948)
- Aphrodite – Goddess of Love (1958)
- Brain Eaters, The (1958)
- Corpse Vanishes, The (1942)
- Cyrano de Bergerac (1950)
- Devil Girl from Mars (1954)
- Fabulous World of Jules Vern, The (1958)
- From Dawn (1937)
- House On Haunted Hill (1959)
- Indestructible Man (1956)
- Lost World, The (1925)
- Love Affair (1939)
- Man Who Changed His Mind, The (1936)
- Misterios de ultratumba (The Black Pit of Dr. M) (1959)
- Monde Tremblera, Le (1939)
- Most Dangerous Game, The (1932)
- Outlaw, The (1943)
- Phantom from 10,000 Leagues, The (1955)
- Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957)
- Screaming Skull, The (1958)
- Silver Horde, The (1930)
- Sin Takes a Holiday (1930)
- Sinners in Paradise (1938)
- Sound and the Story, The (1956)
- Stranger, The (1946)
- Things to Come (1936)
- Vampyr (1932)
- War of the Satellites (1958)
- White Zombie (1932)
External Links:[]
"Tiempo de morir (1959)" Time Travel Clip